Monthly Archives: December 2012

Delusions of gender: Men’s insecurities may lead to sexist views of women

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

Delusions of gender: Men’s insecurities may lead to sexist views of women
A new study suggests that men’s insecurities about relationships and conflicted views of women as romantic partners and rivals could lead some to adopt sexist attitudes about women.

Happy Holidays Everyone

And, peace on earth!

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 Zen for Soft Bipolar Disorder Cyclothymia Disorder
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Brain imaging identifies bipolar disorder risk in adolescents

ScienceDaily: Bipolar Disorder News

Brain imaging identifies bipolar disorder risk in adolescents
Australian researchers have used brain imaging technology to show that young people with a known risk of bipolar (but as yet have no signs of the condition) have clear and quantifiable differences in brain activity when compared to controls.

Age 5: First study of new treatment for early stage bipolar disorder

ScienceDaily: Bipolar Disorder News

First study of new treatment for early stage bipolar disorder
A new clinical trial of people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder for less than five years will be the first study of its kind to shed light on how new treatments could be more effective in the early stages of the condition.

We are basically honest – except when we are at work, study suggests

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

We are basically honest – except when we are at work, study suggests
A new study has revealed we are more honest than you might think. The research suggests that it pains us to tell lies, particularly when we are in our own homes. It appears that being honest is hugely important to our sense of who we are. However, while it might bother us to tell lies at home, we are less circumspect at work where we are probably more likely to bend the truth, suggests the study.

Tragedy and loss in Connecticut

Psychological therapies improve life for children with post-traumatic stress disorder, study suggests

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Psychological therapies improve life for children with post-traumatic stress disorder, study suggests
Children suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of traumatic events, including child abuse, may benefit from psychological therapies, according to a new review. In the first systematic review of PTSD in young people, researchers found that children and teenagers diagnosed with PTSD showed signs of improvement up to three months following treatment and called for more studies to assess long-term benefits.
full article here
more info…

and, some short videos

child teen ptsd
and domestic violence ptsd
Iraqi children

Confronting the Ghosts of our Fathers: Their PTSD, Our PTSD

What day is it today???

Research identifies a way to block memories associated with PTSD or drug addiction

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Research identifies a way to block memories associated with PTSD or drug addiction
New research could lead to better treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and drug addiction by effectively blocking memories. The research has identified a common mechanism in a region of the brain called the pre-limbic cortex, which can suppress the recall of memories linked to both aversive, traumatic experiences associated with PTSD and rewarding memories linked to drug addiction, without permanently altering memories.

Parents key to preventing alcohol, marijuana use by kids

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

Parents key to preventing alcohol, marijuana use by kids

New research finds that parental involvement is more important than the school environment when it comes to preventing or limiting alcohol and marijuana use by children.

Laughter is the best medicine

click here for the full article:

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 Zen for Soft Bipolar Disorder Cyclothymia Disorder
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