Monthly Archives: October 2012

Social factors trump genetic forces in forging friendships, study finds

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

Social factors trump genetic forces in forging friendships, study finds
Genetic similarities may help to explain why human birds of a feather flock together, but the full story of why people become friends is contingent upon the social environment in which individuals interact with one another.

More than good vibes: Researchers propose the science behind mindfulness

ScienceDaily: Spirituality News

More than good vibes: Researchers propose the science behind mindfulness

Achieving mindfulness through meditation has helped people maintain a healthy mind by quelling negative emotions and thoughts, such as desire, anger and anxiety, and encouraging more positive dispositions such as compassion, empathy and forgiveness. Those who have reaped the benefits of mindfulness know that it works. But how exactly does it work?

Traumatic consequences long after fall of the Berlin Wall

Remember, we have several articles on transgenerational trauma. Dr. Bunch

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Traumatic consequences long after fall of the Berlin Wall
One in three former political prisoners of the German Democratic Republic still suffers from sleeping disorders, nightmares and irrational fear. Researchers reveal these post-traumatic stress disorders in a study — the first to examine the post-traumatic consequences in former political prisoners over a period of 15 years.

Does true love wait? Age of first sexual experience predicts romantic outcomes in adulthood

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

Does true love wait? Age of first sexual experience predicts romantic outcomes in adulthood
It’s a common lament among parents: Kids are growing up too fast these days. Parents worry about their kids getting involved in all kinds of risky behavior, but they worry especially about their kids’ forays into sexual relationships. A new study examines whether timing of sexual initiation in adolescence predicts romantic outcomes — such as whether people get married or live with their partners, number of romantic partners, and relationship satisfaction — later in adulthood.

Greater parental stress linked to children’s obesity, fast food use, reduced activity

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Greater parental stress linked to children’s obesity, fast food use, reduced activity
Parents with a higher number of stressors in their lives are more likely to have obese children, according to a new study. Children also ate fast food more often if their parents perceived themselves as stressed.

Sleep, Stress: Missing link between mental health disorders and chronic diseases in Iraq war refugees

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Missing link between mental health disorders and chronic diseases in Iraq war refugees

Researchers may have discovered why people exposed to war are at increased risk to develop chronic problems like heart disease years later. And the culprit that links the two is surprising.

Link between creativity and mental illness confirmed in large-scale Swedish study

Danger Will Robinson

I believe there are some problems with this article and bringing the research forward to the US.  While there is documentation of creativity and bipolar disorder, schizophrenia in the US is seen as decreasing cognition and creativity due to brain damage that occurs as young as childhood. It has been my experience that patient artists and writers are often bipolar, but have not once found that with schizophrenic patients.

The question I have is how the article and research were translated, and how is a disorder defined differently in Sweden. The American system of diagnosis and disorder description is not accepted or followed by all other countries.

Further, one must look deeply at the purpose of creativity in humanity. What is disordered and what is survival of species? What is innate brilliance and what is from dysfunction of the brain? 

Dr. Bunch

ScienceDaily: Bipolar Disorder News
Link between creativity and mental illness confirmed in large-scale Swedish study
People in creative professions are treated more often for mental illness than the general population, there being a particularly salient connection between writing and schizophrenia (I think here they mean bipolar, Dr. Bunch), according to researchers whose large-scale Swedish registry study is the most comprehensive ever in its field.

Compounds that could thwart post-traumatic stress disorder identified

It appears there may be a problem with this article. It is my understanding that nitrous oxide is a gas and this article may be in fact be referring to nitric oxide. It is a good idea to always question research, and in particular to see if there could be problems in the research design and especially in the conclusion. This article makes some conclusions that could leave many to believe that this is now that path for pharmaceutical treatment of ptsd.

I try to filter out most “research” that is questionable.

One other thing you need to know about research: most all research done by pharmaceutical companies is not altruistic research: they have set up the double blind research to prove a point, that their medication works. They never do research comparing it to other meds nor do they look at harmful effects. The research is driven only with proving the medication is effective, and will sell. On the other hand, truly independent research and university research that is not funded or influenced by a private company is highly more valuable.

Nitrous oxide is a gas we’re familiar with in dentist offices and aerosol whip cream. Some research on nitrous and the brain ended up blank but nitric oxide functions in the brain. Likely an secondary writer erred? If you have other info on this and can correct me, please add to the comments. Here are links on nitric oxide in the brain:

Dr. B

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Compounds that could thwart post-traumatic stress disorder identified
A brain pathway that is stimulated by traumatic or fearful experiences can be disrupted by two compounds that show promise for preventing post-traumatic stress disorder, researchers have reported.

The relationship between trauma ptsd and life illness. Missing link between mental health disorders and chronic diseases in Iraq war refugees

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Missing link between mental health disorders and chronic diseases in Iraq war refugees
Researchers may have discovered why people exposed to war are at increased risk to develop chronic problems like heart disease years later. And the culprit that links the two is surprising.


Missing Link Between Mental Health Disorders and Chronic Diseases in Iraq War Refugees

ScienceDaily (Oct. 15, 2012) — Wayne State University School of Medicine researchers may have discovered why people exposed to war are at increased risk to develop chronic problems like heart disease years later. And the culprit that links the two is surprising.

Beginning in the mid-2000s, WSU researchers interviewed a random sample of 145 American immigrants who left Iraq before the 1991 Gulf War, and 205 who fled Iraq after the Gulf War began. All were residing in metropolitan Detroit at the time of the study. Study subjects were asked about socio-demographics, pre-migration trauma, how they rated their current health, physician-diagnosed and physician-treated obstructive sleep apnea, somatic disorders and psychosomatic disorders. Those who left Iraq after the war began and suffered from mental disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and self-rated their physical health as worse than their actual health, were 43 times more likely than pre-Gulf War immigrants to report obstructive sleep apnea (30.2 percent versus 0.7 percent) and later develop major chronic health issues such as cardiovascular disease.
“I was surprised, but we had a specific theory we wanted to test. Changes in the stress system would contribute to sleep apnea. What happens? Maybe it’s the stress that leads to this fractured sleep,” said Bengt Arnetz, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., School of Medicine professor of occupational and environmental health, deputy director of the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at Wayne State, and the study’s principal investigator and first author. “No one had explored this possible link before, although basic research suggests it as plausible.”
The results are featured in the October 2012 issue of Psychosomatic Medicine, the peer-reviewed journal of the American Psychosomatic Society.
According to the article, “Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and Health in Immigrants,” obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles supporting the soft palate at the back of the throat relax, but less is known about the reasons behind this neuromuscular malfunctioning.
“It’s a known fact that the more exposure to violence you have, the more likely you are to report PTSD and depression, and the worse your self-rated health is, the more likely your actual health will suffer in five to 10 years,” Arnetz said.
Hikmet Jamil, M.D., Ph.D., professor of occupational and environmental health in WSU’s School of Medicine, and Thomas Templin, Ph.D., research professor in WSU’s College of Nursing, also contributed to the article.
The obstructive sleep apnea and chronic disase link has been observed among many trauma-exposed populations, including refugees, Arnetz said.
“Iraqis were exposed to harsh conditions during the entirety of Saddam Hussein’s more than 20 years of reign. However, trauma and environmental exposures increased measurably and dramatically after the initiation of the 1991 Gulf War,” the article states.
The study can now be used as a model for other populations, including U.S. soldiers returning home from battle.

The multidisciplinary study brought together mental health research, sleep research and chronic disease research, Arnetz said.
He and Jamil were partially supported by the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health (award number R01MH085793).
To further test their ideas, the researchers plan to apply for funding from the National Institutes of Health to collaborate with Safwan Badr, M.D., professor and chief of the School of Medicine’s Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, and Thomas Roth, Ph.D., director of the Henry Ford Sleep Disorders and Research Center.

Post partum depression: Chronic stress during pregnancy prevents brain benefits of motherhood

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Chronic stress during pregnancy prevents brain benefits of motherhood
A new study in animals shows that chronic stress during pregnancy prevents brain benefits of motherhood, a finding that researchers suggest could increase understanding of postpartum depression.

All healthcare professionals need training to deal with the sexual needs of patients, study finds

Negative news stories affect women’s stress levels but not men’s

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Negative news stories affect women’s stress levels but not men’s
Bad news articles in the media increase women’s sensitivity to stressful situations, but do not have a similar effect on men, according to a new study.

Parenting more important than schools to academic achievement, study finds

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

Parenting more important than schools to academic achievement, study finds
New research finds that parental involvement is a more significant factor in a child’s academic performance than the qualities of the school itself.

A problem shared is a problem halved

ScienceDaily: Relationship News

A problem shared is a problem halved
The experience of being bullied is particularly detrimental to the psychological health of school girls who don’t have social support from either adults or peers, according to a new study. In contrast, social support from adults or peers (or both) appears to lessen the negative consequences of bullying in this group, namely anxiety and depression.

Trauma switch identified: Mechanism protects our brains from turning stress and trauma into post-traumatic stress disorder

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Trauma switch identified: Mechanism protects our brains from turning stress and trauma into post-traumatic stress disorder
Researchers have for the first time identified the mechanism that protects us from developing uncontrollable fear.

Compassion meditation may boost neural basis of empathy, study finds

ScienceDaily: Spirituality News

Compassion meditation may boost neural basis of empathy, study finds
A compassion-based meditation program can significantly improve a person’s ability to read the facial expressions of others, finds a new study. This boost in empathic accuracy was detected through both behavioral testing of the study participants and through functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of their brain activity. The meditation protocol, known as Cognitively-Based Compassion Training, or CBCT, is derived from ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices, although the program is secular in content and presentation.

Spirituality key to Chinese medicine success: Study explores why Chinese medicine has stood the test of time

ScienceDaily: Spirituality News

Spirituality key to Chinese medicine success: Study explores why Chinese medicine has stood the test of time
Are the longevity and vitality of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) due to its holistic approach? Indeed, Chinese medicine is not simply about treating illness, but rather about taking care of the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. According to an analysis of TCM’s origins and development, traditional Chinese medicine is profoundly influenced by Chinese philosophy and religion. To date, modern science has been unable to explain the mechanisms behind TCM’s effects.

Opioid abuse linked to mood and anxiety disorders

ScienceDaily: Bipolar Disorder News

Opioid abuse linked to mood and anxiety disorders
Researchers find that mood and anxiety disorders are highly associated with non-medical prescription opioid use.

Yoga helps ease stress related medical and psychological conditions, study suggests

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Yoga helps ease stress related medical and psychological conditions, study suggests
An new article reviews evidence that yoga may be effective in treating patients with stress-related psychological and medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and cardiac disease.

Don’t worry, be happy: Understanding mindfulness meditation

ScienceDaily: Spirituality News

Don’t worry, be happy: Understanding mindfulness meditation
In times of stress, we’re often encouraged to pause for a moment and simply be in the ‘now.’ This kind of mindfulness, an essential part of Buddhist and Indian Yoga traditions, has entered the mainstream as people try to find ways to combat stress and improve their quality of life.

Why getting healthy can seem worse than getting sick

ScienceDaily: Stress News

Why getting healthy can seem worse than getting sick
A new article helps explain why the immune system often makes us worse while trying to make us well.